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Museums in Downpatrick

Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Downpatrick, a historic town in County Down, Northern Ireland, offers visitors a rich selection of museums that provide a deep insight into the local history and culture.

Down County Museum

The Down County Museum is located in a restored 18th-century building that once served as the County Gaol. It houses an extensive collection of artifacts, including archaeological finds, coins, medals, and maritime exhibits that document the history of County Down from the earliest times to the present day. The museum is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00 to 16:30 and admission is free.

Saint Patrick Centre

The Saint Patrick Centre is the only permanent exhibition center in the world dedicated to the life and work of Saint Patrick. It offers interactive exhibitions that tell the history of Ireland from the perspective of Saint Patrick, as well as insight into the art and metalwork of the early Christian period. The center features a café, a gift shop, and an events center.

Downpatrick & County Down Railway Museum

The Downpatrick & County Down Railway Museum is located on the upper floor of the railway station building and presents a fascinating collection of relics documenting the history of Irish railways. The collection includes signals, track equipment, tools, and original signs and posters from the Belfast & County Down Railway. The museum is open on days when the railway is in operation.

These museums offer a comprehensive insight into the history and culture of Downpatrick and are of interest to any visitor who wants to learn more about the region.